Why Is My Ductless HVAC System So Noisy in Asheville, NC?

If you have a ductless HVAC system, chances are that you bought it at least in part because not having any cumbersome ducts around can make things simpler and more convenient. Hearing your ductless system suddenly start making loud noises might cause you some alarm. Here are a few different noises that the ductless system in your home in Asheville, NC might produce and what they mean.

Hissing or Bubbling

This noise is one of the telltale signs of a refrigerant leak. If your system’s lines lose some refrigerant, air will come in to fill the newly vacated interior area. The hissing or bubbling sounds you hear mean that air bubbles have formed inside the refrigerant lines and are now moving through them.

To solve this problem, a trained HVAC technician will need to bleed the refrigerant lines to remove the air and then replace the lost refrigerant. They can do this throughout either repair or maintenance services. Since refrigerant is very dangerous, under no circumstances should you attempt this work on your own.


This noise tends to have a close association with electrical problems like frayed wires, unreliable power connections and bad fan motors. Other possible explanations include broken fan blades and a dirty condenser coil.


This sound generally indicates that some kind of debris is stuck inside your unit and is tumbling around. Alternatively, if your system is older, nuts, bolts and other parts may have come loose and begun rattling around. Ask a professional to inspect your system and clean it out for you.

Your ears are among the best tools you have for detecting problems with your ductless HVAC system, and you shouldn’t fear using them. If you start hearing odd noises, call Horizon Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC and set up an appointment for ductless HVAC services near Asheville, NC.

Image provided by iStock

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