Routine HVAC Maintenance is Crucial for Indoor Comfort

A well-maintained HVAC system will keep you comfortable all year in Hendersonville, NC. In this blog, we’ll discuss how routine maintenance can help you uphold your warranty, avoid HVAC equipment breakdowns, and control your operating costs.

Annual HVAC Maintenance Protects Equipment Warranties

Skipping just one HVAC tune-up can invalidate warranties on your equipment. You don’t want an HVAC breakdown only to discover that the warranties protecting your system are no longer in effect. HVAC equipment replacements are not cheap.

Seasonal Tune-Ups Help Prevent Equipment Breakdowns

For less than the cost of a modest night out, seasonal tune-ups can cast out HVAC demons and keep them from coming back. An essential component of our maintenance service is an in-depth equipment examination. This inspection will reveal any irregularities that could disrupt indoor comfort and cost you money on repairs. After our checkup, your chances of equipment failure will be reduced by 95 percent.

Preventive Maintenance Can Slash Operating Expenses

The crud that accumulates on HVAC equipment after a year of service can work its way into the system. There, it can damage sensitive, high-tech parts and impair performance. The crud also impedes airflow, so your HVAC must overwork to push treated air through the ducts. That causes excessive equipment wear and tear and can drive energy bills into the stratosphere. Your service technician will clean every speck of dirt from your system and leave it in a sparkling clean condition. Regular HVAC tune-ups can reduce energy consumption by up to 40 percent.

Dirty Filters Can Be a Deal Breaker

Filters should be changed when you can’t see light through the filter or when you can’t see filter material through the dirt. Never run an HVAC system with a dirty filter. Clogged filters can cause plenty of trouble and are responsible for a large number of HVAC repairs. Conversely, running your HVAC with a clean filter can cut energy costs by up to 15 percent. Here’s what happens when you neglect filter changes:

  • Indoor air can be contaminated by filter dirt blowing into your space
  • Filter dirt can penetrate your HVAC equipment and damage it
  • Utility bills can increase
  • Your AC cooling coil can freeze up
  • Your system can spring a leak
  • Your HVAC might start short cycling
  • High humidity can encourage organic growth
  • Filter clogs can cause excessive equipment wear and tear
  • Excess dust can cause moving parts like fan motors and valves to jam

The preventive maintenance plans at Horizon Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC make it easy to keep your HVAC in stellar condition.

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